
Showing posts from January, 2016

No More Resolutions

res·o·lu·tion ˌrezəˈlo͞oSH(ə)n/ A firm decision to do or not do something. So every year we all make these crazy resolutions to make us "better people" and some make realistic ones while others seem to be reaching for the stars. But this year I am resolving to not make a resolution. Now don't get me wrong, I am still going to strive to be a better person each and every day, but a resolution is setting yourself up for failure. We are not perfect and old habits die hard... why do you think so many people buy those gym memberships in January and then stop going by March? It's because they are expecting themselves to have magically flipped a switch and never mess up. But again.. we are not perfect! We were never intended to be either. So instead of making a crazy resolution to lose weight, work out more, eat better, watch less TV, spend more time with family, blah blah blah blah blah.... I am going to set myself up the right way.  Instead of making m...