
Showing posts from April, 2017

Choose Your Poison

poi·son NOUN poisons (plural noun) a substance that is capable of causing the illness or death of a living organism when introduced or absorbed. VERB poisons (third person present) · poisoned (past tense) · poisoned (past participle) · poisoning (present participle) administer poison to (a person or animal), either deliberately or accidentally: "he tried to poison his wife" There are seven specific poisons that our society has labeled as the "Seven Deadly Sins". And sadly we all probably suffer from one, or many, at one point in our lives or another. To each their own, I suppose... but I think that this is something that we need to reconsider as a society. No one seems to think that these Seven Deadly Sins are too much of a problem anymore. And sadly, that is getting passed onto our youth. It's terrible and a sin (no pun intended). I can honestly say that I don't know too many people in my generation that really focus m...

The Kindness of Strangers

Beau·ty NOUN a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight: "I was struck by her beauty" So today turned out to be another crazy, less then great day. There seems to be an excessive amount of stress that must be endured throughout the course of the day, and it hits me like a brick wall the moment I leave my baby girl with the babysitter. I love our daycare, but I just wish I didn't need to have her. I know I say it all the time, but I'd give anything to be home with my babies. Today was filled with the hustle and bustle of a normal sales job as well as additional discussions regarding my life outside of work, and then more inbound and outbound phones ringing. In fact, I spent so much time on the phone today, I thought to just leave my cell phone at work so I wouldn't have to talk to anyone else the rest of the day. There was nothing terribly wrong with the day, there was...

Silver Lining

sil·ver lin·ing NOUN 1. something that offers hope or benefit in a situation that is generally adverse Today was a perfect example of Murphy's Law. Anything that can go wrong, inevitably will. My day started out with me ignoring my alarms because I didn't sleep well last night and felt that I really would be no good without another 45 minutes of sleep (stupid excuse). So I didn't go out for my "quick one miler" like I had intended when I set that damn alarm. But.... I justified it by saying that since Ciara is away with my family for spring break it would make it easier for me to squeeze it in after work. Wrong again. So let the day begin! Woke up 15 minutes late, realized the bottles/pump parts I put in the dishwasher weren't clean (because I never started the dishwasher!), and didn't get out the door until just after 8am, which is when I'm usually leaving from the babysitter's house after I drop of Cheyenne. So I had to bri...

Starting Over.... Again

per·sist·ence [pərˈsistəns] NOUN firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition: "companies must have patience and persistence, but the rewards are there" synonyms: persistence · tenacity · determination · staying power · indefatigability Today marks the beginning... again. I have started, and started over, and started over again more times that I care to admit. I have been on one fad diet or another, started on one hobby only to never follow through, and I have found myself more disappointed in myself in the fact that I have been incapable of sticking with anything. I can't promise that this blog is going to be a constant or an ever going contribution, and I can't promise that I'm magically going to change into some amazing and driven person who will suddenly become that picture perfect, pinterest, working mom. What I can promise is that I'm not going to give up on myself. I ...