Bikini Challenge Day 1... Total Bust

Well... just like many of the current readers, I took part in DAY 1 of the Bikini Body Challenge today, and well, to be 100% honest... it was a total bust. Of all days to start a clean eating diet with an exercise program, today was the worst day possible. I over slept my 4:45am alarm by about 45 minutes which meant that I had approximately 15 minutes to work out before I had to get my ass in the shower and get ready for work. So I chose a 1.2 mile run which i completed in just over 10 minutes. I was disappointed that I didn't get my fix workout in. Being that it is now 11pm, there is no energy left in my body to do it now.... I literally just got home about 20 minutes ago.... let me explain.....

I woke up late at 5:30, ran for about 10 minutes which put me in the shower (after feeding the animals) around 6. I have to be at work at 7.... so I showered, got dressed, fed myself (two hard boiled eggs thank you very much!) and ran out the door only to arrive about 15 minutes late.. good news, my boss loves me and was ok with is. (bad news, I live 12 minutes from work so I left after I was supposed to already be there. At this point, the story is really boring for the next 11 hours.
Yes. I worked an 11 hour day. No, that does not include lunch (I forgot to pack mine, but a coworker generously shared some of her pita chips that were absolutely delightful) or travel time. I was in my office working on the clock for 11 hours.
From here, the story gets much more exciting!... I rushed home to find that I'd been approved for an American Express card (woo!! go me!!) and got changed as fast as I could because today was the day! Today was the day I got to pick up my little princess from my mom. She has been gone for a week and I was starting to miss her. (She hasn't been home long enough for me to look forward to shipping her back to her grandparents yet.) By the time I left my house it was about 7:15pm... oh and while I was checking mail and getting changed I was stuffing my mouth full of almonds and grapes and grabbed on of those handy 100 calorie packs of chips (bad choice... i know. don't worry though it gets worse). I had also grabbed a couple packs of fruit snacks for Ciara for the ride home with me.
They didn't make it 30 minutes.
I drove to York, PA to meet my mom at a Rutter's gas station at the halfway point between our houses. It took me about and hour and 15 minutes to get there. We were there for about 15 minutes transferring belongings, going potty, grabbing last minute hugs and kisses, and finally getting on the road.

Side bar.... I drive a soft top jeep and I had the front half of the top back today. When I got to the gas station I started to put the top back up because it was getting chilly... well i never clipped it down so as we were driving down the road, the top flew back and scared the shit out of both me and my daughter (the dog was completely unfazed)

Back to the story... we finally got on the road to head home at about 8:50. I resisted the urge to grab a diet soda and a candy bar to keep me awake on my drive home... but by the time i hit the beltway i started to struggle to stay awake. I stopped in Glen Burnie at a wawa to grab a coffee and snack. I ended up with a Cadbury egg, a soft pretzel, and a 20oz sugary coffee because those were the only ones available when I waws there (they were "cleaning" the coffee pots)

So.. since I wasn't able to use my containers I resorted to dear old MyFitnessPal.... I did see that I was still under my calories for the day but the foods I ate were not fuel for the body, which reminds me... I'm out of chocolate Shakeology!....

In the spirit of positive attitudes, I will say, at least I stayed under my calories and  I did do some kind of workout. And now that I'm completely wiped out,.. it's my   bedtine.  Gooooood Niiight!!!


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