
*DISCLAIMER: nothing you read in this post is going to be politically correct. The intention is not to insult any one or slander anyone's name. This is just my thoughts in writing for anyone with internet access to read.

I take you back to the good old days when Randy, Paula, and Simon were the judges of America Idol. Randy was... well I'm honestly not really sure. He was like the token black guy on the show that sometimes seemed like he was trying way too hard. He said "dogg" all the time and was the "neutral party" if there ever was one. Paula was the only female judge at the time and everyone was pretty convinced by season like 30 that she was on some sort of drug or drugs.... or maybe that she needed to be. She smiled (a lot) and clapped like an idiot. Then there was Simon. He was the big grumpy asshole that everyone loved to hate. He called everyone out on their shit and was sometimes just a little too harsh. But still, there was always something about Simon that everyone seemed to like or identify with.... hence the love/hate relationship that we all had with him.

I have a very loose theory with this.. I believe that part of the reason we love him is because we identify with him. He says the things that we are all thinking but are too "nice" to actually say out loud. But we also relate because we say a lot of those harsh comments to ourselves. In this, I do honestly believe that we are our own worst critics. We place the expectations for ourselves so out of reach and yet beat ourselves up when we don't reach them.
What's worse is that we don't give ourselves the credit we deserve.
My lack of appreciation for my own work was pretty much shoved down my throat today at work. My manager and I had a talk about my performance yesterday at the end of the day. I was truly disappointed in my own performance that day. It was a slow day and sales were few and far between. Having said that I had pretty much the lowest sales number (in dollars) out of the 4 sales staff. It was just pathetic, I told myself. Especially considering how much more time I had been in the office that day. I came in early and left late. I went to him and basically said I have no idea why you keep me around here, my performance leaves something to be desired and not even I can come up with a reason I still have the opportunity to come to this job each day.
He spent some time reassuring me that I was being too hard on myself and that I'm worth far more than I give myself credit for.
To give the story some perspective I do more than just act as a sales rep and sell services like the others in the room. I wear many hats in that office. My main responsibility (other than selling) is a project (AMA's) that consumes at least 2-3 hours of my work day. That is 2-3 hours of my day that is not spent attempting to increase company revenue and, in turn, make myself a profit (I am also paid commission on my sales). In addition, I am the owner's personal assistant.... my managers editor and sometimes acting assistant manager..... the service manager's technical tutor and assistant... A training specialist to some of the new hires... a life coach to technicians... customer service representative........ It might be easier to list the things I don't do. I DO NOT clean toilets.... that's about it. (but I probably would if someone asked me to).
Anyway... back to the story. I don't give myself enough credit. So my manager challenged me to put off my work for my big project, the one that takes me away for 2-3 hours, and work just like any of the other sales reps. His words were "just do for you for once". He said that if I worked at the same pace and same level as the rest of them that I would out sell each and every one in that room.
So, when I got to work, I left my AMA work, which I normally do first thing in the morning, until later in the afternoon. Then I spend my morning working like everyone else..........just sell.

It turns out.... I was wrong.
He was right.

I am sharing this story because I know i'm not alone and I know that we all do things that are a little self destructive.
anyway, eat right and work hard, the only person you have left to impress is yourself. start believing in what you can do.


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